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The stern is the back end. Astern is 'toward' the stern.

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Q: Where is the astern on a vessel?
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Can you give me a sentence with astern in?

"She was supposed to be astern while she was sleeping."

Operator of a give-way vessel avoid colliding with a stand-on vessel?

As a Giveway vessel, you are required to stay clear of the stand-on vessel. These actions include, (1) Make an early and bold alteration of course (2) Slow the vessel down (3) Stop the vessel (4) Come astern (5) Make an early and bold alteration of course and slow the vessel down Best to 90 degree alteration away from the stand-on vessel and then take a slow turn, and once the stand-on vessel passes go around his stern and back onto your original course.

What color is a vessel's stern light?

The stern light on a vessel is typically white with a 135 degree cone of visibility. From the 1980 US Inland Rules only pilot vessels, vessels aground, vessels not under command or vessels with restricted maneuverability may show red astern. The combination and orientAtion of red and white all-around lights is dictated by category. A towing vessel shall have a yellow light above it's stern light whether towing behind or alongside. The 1972 International Rules do not provide for the yellow towing light astern when the towed vessel is alongside of the towing vessel. Lastly, a sailing vessel under 20 meters in length may at her option display an all-around red over green at her masthead. As a matter of common practice the author has never actually seen this.

Where does the a in ahead astern about come from?

The 'a' is Old English for 'onward' - so ahead is onwards forward and astern is onwards backwards.

What is windage losses in marine turbine and how to overcome?

Windage losses are reduced by fitting the astern turbine in the lowest area available exhaust end of the astern casing. also by fitting hood over the last stage of astern and ahead blades also by fitting astern turbine in its own casing

What is the stopping distance for a large container ship?

This isn't an easy question with the amount of information you have provided. Where is the vessel operating? What is its cargo? Is it operating astern propulsion to assist in its slowing. How much of the hull is above/below the waterline. How fast is the ship operating at.

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What is a synonym for the word aft?

abaft. astern.

Definition of astern motion?

Going backwards.

What astern is a 3 letter word?


Toward the rear of a ship?

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Transverse thrust of a right handed propeller?

transeverse thrust refers to the sideward force exerted on the stern of a vessel moving fwd or astern. in case of a right handed prop., wen the ship is moving fwd the thrust is exerted on the stern 2wards stbd and the bow swings 2 case of astern it is opp.,, stern moves 2 port n bow swings stbd.. karan kala, dual cadet..