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Angkor is located in Cambodia.

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Q: Where is the city of Angkor?
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Why is Angkor Wat called Angkor Wat?

•Angkor Wat is defined as "City that is a temple". This is because at one point in time Angkor Wat was inhibited by the Khmer Empire.

Is angkor wat the capital of Cambodia?

Angkor wat is a temple part of the city of angkor and ngkor used to be the capitol it is now phnom penn

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What city and state is Angkor Wat in?

It is in Cambodia.

What was the approximate population of the city of Angkor at its height of power?

At its peak the city of Angkor located in Southeast Asia had a total of about 750,000 inhabitants. This included the city's center and its metropolitan area.

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What provided the revenue for the city of Angkor?

The city of Angkor relied heavily on selling its rice as its main cash crop. The monsoons and irrigation systems benefited the rice paddies.

What is the difference of Angkor Wat and angkor?

Angkor is variation of the Sanskrit word, 'Nokor' which means city. Wat refers to the main temple. So Angkor Wat literally means the 'City Temple'. Angkor Wat refers to the 11th century temple to Vishnu and is one of the many temples in the larger Angkor complex, located around modern-day Siem Reap. The region that we think of as Angkor lasted from between the 9th to the 14th centuries. The capital of Cambodia today is Phnom Penh.

Where did the rocks used to build the temples of Angkor originate?

The rocks used to build the temples of Angkor were close to this city. They found in the hills of the Kulen Hills.

According to recent discoveries what was the downfall of the medieval city of Angkor?


Where and when was the Angkor built?

Angkor Wat is a very special place and it is such a fabulous place. the temple was dedicated to lord Vishnu. The temple was built in the 12th century and to be precise , it was made in 1125. it is located in the city Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia.

What were the geographical similarities between ancient Angkor and New York City?

At its height of power and development the ancient city of Angkor had an area of about 400 square miles, this compares to the approximate size of New York City. This means all of the 5 boroughs of NYC.