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Q: Where is the clitellum located and what is it used for?
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Where is the clitellum located?

it is located near the head of the worm

In which segments is the clitellum located?

If you are looking for the clitellum it is located on an earthworm, check about a third of the way down its body. Its color ranges from orange to white.

Is the clitellum located toward the anterior end of the worm?

Yes. The anterior is the "head end". Th clitellum is closest to the anterior.

What is a clitelum?

the clitellum is used for reproduction in a worm.

Does the clitellum of a worm located toward the anterior end of a worm?


What organ system does the clitellum?


What is the clitellum used for in the worm?

The clitellum of an earthworm is a series of segments that are swollen on the anterior side of the worm.

Is the clitellum located more toward the anterior or posterior of th worm?

it is toward the anterior end of a worm

What function does the clitellum serve during reproduction?

The function of a worm or leeches clitellum is to secrete a viscid sac where their eggs are laid. It is located at the end of their body.

The number of segments between prostomiun and clitellum?

There are about 30 segments between the prostomium and clitellum of an earthworm. actually this question asked as differently as "How many segments are between the prostomium and clitellum of an earthworm?" see answer for this question.

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The clitellum functions as part of the system in earthworms.?

The clitellum is a part of the earthworm's reproductive system. It is the part of the worm that makes the egg cocoon.