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The genetic material is located in the nucleoid in a bacterial call.

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Q: Where is the genetic material located in a bacterial call-?
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Unlike in a animal call the genetic material in a bacteria cell is not found in a?

Bacteria belong to a group called prokaryotes which have no membrane bound genetic material (a nucleus).

If life is based on information, what is that information?

That information is the genetic material (DNA).

What do you call the tiny rod shape bodies inside the nucleus?

i think what you are referring to is the chromosomes, the genetic material of the cell

Why do you call the nucleus the brain of the cell?

It has genetic material called DNA which undergo different functions such as replication, transcription, translation

What do you call a genetic makeup of an organism?


What do you call a genetic change that is permanent?

it is a mutation

The genetic makeup of an organism is known as what?

We call it the genotype.

What type of nucliec acid is the genetic material of the call?

Both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are genetic material in the cell. DNA is the master blueprint for life, determining heredity and cell structure and function by means of protein synthesis. DNA cannot leave the nucleus of the cell, so mRNA transcribes the DNA and goes to ribosomes in the cytoplasm or on the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where translation of the genetic code carried by mRNA will produce a sequence of amino acids and eventually a protein.

What do you call a bundle of DNA?

"bundles" of genetic material in a cell's nucleus are called chromosomes.

What is the passage of traits from parent to offspring call?

Genetic inheritance.

I have bacterial pneumonia and the flu. Can i take my suboxone with the cefuroxime that the doctor rx'd me?

call the pharmacy

What do you call the part of the cell that controls the rest of the cell?

The nucleus is the cell's control center. It contains genetic material which allows the nucleus to control the chemical reactions taking place in the cytoplasm. The nucleus is also responsible for cell reproduction.