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The equator. On average, it is angled i such a way that the sun's rays hit it most directly

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Q: Where is the greater amount of the sun's thermal energy concentrated on earth?
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The amount of thermal energy depends on 2 things?

The two main factors that determine the amount of thermal energy in a system are the temperature of the system (measured in degrees Kelvin) and the mass of the system. The higher the temperature and the greater the mass, the more thermal energy the system will contain.

When does an object have more thermal energy when it is cold or hot Why?

An object has more thermal energy when it is hot, because thermal energy is the total kinetic energy of particles within the object. When the temperature of an object is higher, its particles move faster, resulting in a greater amount of thermal energy.

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The higher the temperature of something the greater its?

The greater its kinetic energy.

Does thermal energy depend on amount of substance?

Yes, thermal energy does depend on the amount of substance. The more mass a substance has, the more thermal energy it can store. This is because thermal energy is related to the internal energy of a substance, which increases with the amount of substance present.

How does mass effect thermal energy?

Mass affects thermal energy by determining the amount of kinetic energy particles have. Greater mass means more particles vibrating, resulting in higher thermal energy. Additionally, more massive objects can hold onto thermal energy for longer periods due to their higher heat capacity.

What is the temperature in a substance with a large amount of thermal energy?

The temperature of a substance with a large amount of thermal energy will be higher compared to a substance with lower thermal energy. Thermal energy is directly related to temperature, so as the amount of thermal energy increases, the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance increases, leading to a higher temperature.

Does thermal energy depend on the amount of a substance?

Thermal energy is heat. More heat is more thermal energy.

The amount of thermal energy depends on two things name them?

The amount of thermal energy depends on the temperature of the object and its mass.

Is degrees related to thermal energy?

The amount of thermal energy a substance has is proportional to its temperature

Would thermal energy be greater at 0 celsius or 48 Fahrenheit?

Thermal energy is greater at 48 Fahrenheit because it represents a higher temperature than 0 Celsius. Thermal energy is a measure of the internal energy of a system, which increases with temperature.

Which forms of energy is most concentrated?

Nuclear energy is the most concentrated form of energy, as a small amount of nuclear fuel can produce a large amount of energy. This is due to the high energy density of nuclear reactions.