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After the clef, before the time signature.

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Q: Where is the key signature on the staff?
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Related questions

Where on the stave does the key signature go?

The key signature will come right after the clef on a staff.

Where is the Time Signature placed?

The time signature is placed on the staff between the clef and the key signature.

What are sharp or flat signs immediately following the clef sign at the beginning of the staff of a musical composition called?

A key signature

What is the key signature if there is no flats on the staff?

C major (or A minor).

What is a pattern of sharps or flats that appear at the beginning of the staff?

that is called the key signature.

What symbol on a staff tells a performer what sharp or flat to use?

That would be the key signature.

How do you read a key signature?

It shows which notes are flat or sharp. To read the key, a clef is also required, as that indicates the positioning of notes within a staff.

What is placed at the beginning of the staff to show the pitch of each line and space of that staff?

it is the cleff I think what you are looking for is the key signature.

How do you read key signatures?

Key signatures are the sharps or flats at the beginning of the staff. To identify the key signature of a scale that consists of all sharps, look at the last sharp in the key signature. Whichever note the last sharp lies on, the key of the scale is one note above it. To identify the key signature of a scale that consists of all flats, look at the note directly before the last flat in the key signature. The second-to-last note is the name of the key signature of flat keys. However, you cannot use this helpful trick with the F Major Scale which only has one flat (B flat).

What is the key signature for A minor?

A minor has no key signature.

A song with a key signature?

All songs have a key signature.

How many sharps does G major scale have in its key signature?

The G major scale contains 1 sharp: the note F#. The scale of a piece of music is usually indicated by a key signature, a symbol that flattens or sharpens specific lines or spaces on the staff.