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The Sun, and also a small amount is reflected of the Lunar soil.

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Q: Where is the light coming from in neil Armstrong's moon picture?
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Where was Neil Armstrongs first flight too?

the Moon!

What is the light you see coming from the moon?

A reflection of light coming from the sun.

What is Neil Armstrongs best experience?

the first step on the moon i hope its correct..............

Is the solar eclipse picture more like the full moon picture or new moon picture?

More like New Moon (empty hole in space) but with light around a dark circle

Who were Neil Armstrongs' traveling companions?

To the moon they were Michael Collins and Edwin Buzz Aldrin.

When the moon is visible at night why can you see it?

because the moon reflects the light coming from the sun

How can you tell where the sun is based on a picture of the moon?

Part of the moon will be light. Part of the moon will be dark. Guess which side of the moon the sun is on?

Why the light of the moon is not as hot as the sun?

Because the light from the moon is only the reflected light from the sun so when the sun is shining on you it is actually coming down on you but the light shining from the moon is the light from the sun which at night time is on the other side of the world

How many years have Niels Armstrongs foot prints been on the moon?

42 years and 7 months

Can the moon burn you?

If you mean the light coming from the moon then no. It's be far too weak, being as it's only sunlight reflected from the moon.

What was Neil Armstrongs goal?

From childhood he always wanted to be a pilot.

What are some examples of infrared light?

Day light, moon light, and any light coming from a general source that can be seen can be known ask Visible light