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Codex Sinaiticus In four countries..

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Q: Where is the location of the first bible?
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Where is the location of the first printed bible?


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It is the location of the events and stories of the Hebrew Bible.

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Nod is mentioned in the Bible as a region to which Cain was exiled after he killed his brother Abel. The exact location of Nod is not specified in the Bible, so its specific geographic location is unknown.

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the first taxonomist on The Bible is Adam

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What is the first name in the Bible?

The first book in the Bible was Exodus. The first Name mentioned in the Bible was Adam.

What was the first Bible translation?

the first translation was in English while the first bible printed was called guttenbergs bible.

What is the name of the first story in the Bible?

The first book in the Bible is Genesis. The first story in the Bible is about creation. The name of the first story in the Bible is called The Creation Story.

What woman in the Bible kept her name after marrying?

Last names were not used in Bible times in Israel. People were known by their first name, and sometimes their location, such as "Paul of Tarsus." Therefore there was no name for a woman to keep or not keep when she married.

What writings were first the Bible or the Mayans?

The bible came first.

Who was the first lady in the Bible?

Eve was the first lady in the bible.

Is it a sin to steal a bible from a motel?

Yes since one of the commandments within is thou shall not steal in the first place (from any location/any item)