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Q: Where is the majority of the world's oxygen produced?
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What produced the oxygen in earth atmosphere?

Contrary to popular secular belief, tree's don't actually produce the majority of the worlds oxygen, in fact, approximately 91.6% of the worlds oxygen is produced by phytoplankton blooms in the northern hemisphere of the ocean.

Most of the worlds oxygen is produced by?

Most of the worlds oxygen is produced by Trees.

Where is the majority of the worlds' food produced?

The US farm belt or Midwest is the worlds largest producer of food. If you mean human food.

What percent of oxygen does the earths grass produce?

The Earth's grass produce 20 to 30 percent oxygen. The other 70 to 80 percent of oxygen is produced by marine plants.

Which organism produces more than 50 percent of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere?

Contrary to popular secular belief, tree's don't actually produce the majority of the worlds oxygen, in fact, approximately 91.6% of the worlds oxygen is produced by phytoplankton blooms in the northern hemisphere of the ocean.

Where is the Oxygen that you breathe produced and what is it produced from?

Trees that intake CarbonDioxidespit out Oxygen

What provides much of our oxygen?

Hemoglobin present inside the RBCs provides oxygen to the tissues when the RBCs reach them via the capillaries

How much oxygen it there in the worlds air?

Air is approximately 20% Oxygen.

Where does the oxygen produced in photosynthesis go?

The oxygen that is produced in photosynthesis goes into the air.

Is oxygen produced when humans do cell respiration?

Oxygen is used and CO2 is produced

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