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0.01 percent of the worlds oxygen is from the amazon

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Q: How much oxygen does the Amazon produce yearly?
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How much of the worlds oxygen do rainforest's produce?

the answer is not nearly as much as people would imagine. the truth is the majority of the planets plant based oxygen production/carbon neutralization comes from ocean based blooms. Forest as such produce around 25% on average but you should also consider that the Taiga forest for example (that nobody ever talks about) absorbs more carbon and produces more oxygen than all the other temperate and tropical forests on the planet combined. This probably doesn't sit too well with Amazon conservationists but they should realize and focus on the real ecological damage done by deforestation there - which certainly ISN'T large scale oxygen depletion.

Which country produces the least amount of trash each and how much?

Canada is the country that produces the least amount of trash. Canada only produces 12.2 tons of trash yearly. The second is Kandhar. They produce 16 tons of waste yearly.

Is helium used for anything?

Helium is used to fill airships, balloons and helium is pumped into oxygen tanks for divers.

'How much oxygen does one tree produce'?

It requires 22 trees to produce the amount of oxygen consumed by one person. (An acre of trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people). This data comes from the Northwest Territories Forest Management site. Approximately 2 Moles per second Not all trees produce the same amount of oxygen in the same amount of time. 'Evergreen' trees for example generally produce less oxygen per hour than their leafy cousins per time interval generally, however they do continue producing oxygen when their leafy cousins lose their leaves in the autumn, and to a point even well into the cold of winter in many areas. The more green there is to a tree, in general, the more oxygen it will produce. The specific species of tree is important to consider, as well as the age, size and health of the tree. A healthy 4 year old apple tree will produce more oxygen per day of summer sun than a dozen 4 year old trimmed 'bonsai' trees, simply because the 4 year old apple tree has a much greater volume of chlorophyll laden leaves (and large leaves) than the bonsai trees do. The amount of oxygen produced is dependent on the amount of chlorophyll involved in the photosynthesis process. Although there is also the consideration of how much oxygen does the tree consume as well. (Plants do both, consuming oxygen and producing carbon dioxide, and consuming carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. I presume you are asking about the NET oxygen production of the tree (which is the oxygen it produces minus the oxygen it uses. In order to know this, however, we would have to account for how much of the time it is receiving enough sunlight to achieve photosynthesis and how much oxygen it is producing during that time, less the amount of oxygen it is using during the entire day (and night) At night trees and other plants produce very little if any oxygen, but they continue cellular respiration (use of oxygen) at a lower rate.

Why can only four atoms of phosphorus produce only two molecules of diphosphorus trioxide even when there is an excess of oxygen atoms?

Because no matter how much oxygen there is, it is diphosphorus, so each molecule has two phosphorus atoms. Because no matter how much oxygen there is, it is diphosphorus, so each molecule has two phosphorus atoms.

Related questions

How much oxygen does Amazon produce?

The Amazon produces up to 25 - 30% of the world's oxygen.

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How much amazon rain forest is lost yearly?

About 50-100 miles

How much does the amazon rainforest get daily?

i think 17 Inches to be precise it is 80 inches yearly

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About 60% of our oxygen is produced by phytoplakton.

How much oxygen does diatoms produce?

35 percent

How much Oreo produce yearly?

7.5 billion per year. That is 20.5 million per day!

How much of the worlds oxygen do rain forests produce?

About 20%

How much of the worlds oxygen do rainforest's produce?

the answer is not nearly as much as people would imagine. the truth is the majority of the planets plant based oxygen production/carbon neutralization comes from ocean based blooms. Forest as such produce around 25% on average but you should also consider that the Taiga forest for example (that nobody ever talks about) absorbs more carbon and produces more oxygen than all the other temperate and tropical forests on the planet combined. This probably doesn't sit too well with Amazon conservationists but they should realize and focus on the real ecological damage done by deforestation there - which certainly ISN'T large scale oxygen depletion.

How much oxygen does it take to produce water vapor?

The percentage of oxygen in water, vapors or ice is the same.

How much oxygen can a tree produce a day?

depends on how big the tree is the bigger the more oxygen it produces.

How much oxygen does the Atacama Desert produce?

There are very few plants in the Atacama so it produces next to no oxygen.