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right below fleas. You know, thats just how they roll. 0_<

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Q: Where is the margay on the food chain?
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What are some other things the margay needs to survive?

a margay needs air, food and water

What is a margay's kitten?

A Margay kitten is the Margay wildcats offspring.

Is a margay a mammal?

Margay cat is a mammal!

What eats the margay?

nothing eats the margay

Is a margay a monkey?

No, a margay is not a monkey. However, they do live in trees. A margay is in the same family as the ocelot, but they are smaller.

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It is a food chain.

What is the locomotion of the margay?

The margay move in the tree to find its pray

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Baby margays are called kittens.

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A Mekong food chain is a food chain of the Mekong region

If an animal from food chain is disappeared then what will be its effect on the food chain?

it would effect the food chain because one part of the food chain is missing

What is a diagram that shows how energy in fod flows from one organism to another?

A food chain.

Is a margay a mammal or reptile?

The margay is a small species of cat and definitely a mammal.