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Q: Where is the most acupunture used?
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What Asian people first used acupunture?


Used acupunture to relieve pain and congestion?

the Chinese

Does acupunture hurt?

Acupuncture can cause mild discomfort during needle insertion, but most people do not find it to be painful. The sensation is often described as a dull ache or tingling. Overall, many individuals find acupuncture to be a relaxing and therapeutic experience.

What Asian country was acupunture first practiced in?


Do you still use acupunture today?


Is acupunture widely practiced in China or US?


Is acupunture bad?

No. Actually, it helps a lot of people.

Who invented acupunture?

We are not sure who invented this. We quess that many scientist did.

What was the most Important innovation of the Han Dynasty?

I would say it would be the currency that united china during the Qin dynasty! Hope I helped!

The practice of acupunture can be described as?

Inserting the tips of needles on certain pressure points as a remedy to relieve pain

Who used acupunture to realive pain and congestion?

A lot of people around the world use acupuncture to relieve many disorders. It is part of a family of natural medicines from the East called Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Can a Chiropractor provide actupuncture services?

There are several locations that provide acupuncture services. There are several chiropractors that offer acupunture services.