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Q: Where is the only manufacturing plant in America that makes limburger cheese?
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Related questions

What makes Limburger cheese smell?

Limburger cheese's pungent odor is caused by the bacteria Brevibacterium linens, which is partially responsible for body odor and particularly smelly feet. This bacteria is inoculated on the outside of the block of cheese and as it grows softens the cheese as it ages.

Why isn't a cheeseburger called a cheese hamburger?

A cheeseburger is a hamburger, accompanied with cheese. The cheese is usually sliced, then added a short time before the hamburger finishes cooking to allow the cheese to melt. In America the cheese that makes up a cheeseburger is usually American cheese, but there are many other possible variations. Mozzarella, blue cheese and cheddar are also popular choices.

What does the salt do in mozzarella cheese?

It makes the cheese tastier.

How do you benefit from bacteria that makes cheese?

you get tastier cheese

What are examples of manufacturing?

Manufacturing is the making of goods. General Electric makes electrical products where Ford makes cars. Toshiba makes electronics such as computers and phones.

Why is yeast added to some breads and cheese?

Yeast makes things rise so when yeast is added then the cheese explodes into circles and it makes holes in your cheese (Swiss cheese)

Why is blue cheese made with mold?

It is not made with "moldy cheese" it is made with a type of blue mold added to it during its manufacturing but, this mold is not harmful to humans. Blue cheese is part of the blue veined cheese group.

What mammal makes Mozzarella cheese?

cheese is very tastey

Where does aldi get their macaroni and cheese?

From a factory that makes Macaroni and Cheese.

Who makes B F goodrich tires?

B. F. Goodrich stopped manufacturing tires in 1988 and sold the business to Michelin North America, Inc.

How is the cheese in a string cheese stringy?

the way that they make the cheese makes it thinner and more stringy

What makes the US a nation?

manufacturing trade