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Q: Where is the salt rocks in poptropica time tangled?
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What do you do after you give the guy the salt rocks in time tangled poptropica?

you beat the rest what else do you do

How do you get the salt rock poptropica in time tangled?

Go to Thomas Jefferson's house on the top.

Where do you get salt for the man on poptropica?

Atop of Thomas Jefferson's house on Time Tangled Island.

Who does the salt rocks belong to on time tangled island?

go to the african one and if you go on the roof, you will see a man looking for his salt rocks

Why aren't the salt rocks on the chimney in Poptropica?

type in as question "How do you beat Time Tangled Island on Poptropica?" and u get the response on how to exactly do the whole island. u can type in that question with another island's name and it gives u a walkthrough too

Where do you bring the salt rocks in the mali empire on Time Tangled island?

To the upper left, atop the building, is the owner of the rocks.

How do you get back the barrel of explosive when I lose it on poptropica time tangled island?

you do not lose it you use it to get something in the viking time to explode rocks in your way.

When did Time Tangled Island come out on Poptropica?

Time Tangled Island, the third island of Poptropica, was released in July 2008.

Were is China time in poptropica?

time tangled

Which time stream do you get the salt stone for timbuktu poptropica?

the salt rocks are on the chimney in 1776 b.c. BEWARE OF PORCUPINES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poptropica time tangled how do you use the gunpowder?

take it to the vikings and climb up the mountain till u get to the cave with rocks in front of it, click on the pile of rocks, and the gunpowder will blow the rocks away.

Who do you give the salt rocks to on Poptropica time tangled in the Mali empire?

well, i think the mali empire time is the lady with a pink turban on (only if you have the time pariod) when you get there, there is a man right on top of the roof.when your one you done if your not your not, NOW am I right or am i RIGHT!!!!!!? ah! ah!