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Q: Where is the site for many cellular chemical reactions?
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What is the function of the enoplasmic reticulum?

It is the site of cellular chemical reactions.

What is the most important thing the cytoplasm does?

it is the site for many chemical reactions

What is the familiar function of the mitochondrion?

The mitochondria is the site of cellular respiration. This means that they produce the chemical energy needed for the cell’s biochemical reactions, which is why they are nicknamed the “powerhouse” of the cell.

What is located outside of the nucleus membrane and is the site of many chemical reactions?

Cell Membrane

What is the fluid within the cell's outer membrane and is also the site of many chemical reactions?


What jellylike is the site of all cellular chemical activities?


What organelle is the site of chemical reactions in the cell?

Chemical reactions means which you are exactly referring? the reactions are happening all over the cell and out of the cell. Cell organelles are specialized to carry out a specific functions(mitochondria for cellular respiration).

The functions of cytoplasm in a cell?

there are four functions in a cytoplasm. 1)supports and holds the cellular organelles. 2)contains proteins which aid in cell movement and cell shape. 3)helps materials move from place to place within the cell. 4)serves as the site of many cellular processes.

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reaction that produce?

cellular ATP

What is outside of the nucleus membrane and is the site of many chemical reactions?

There could be a few answers to this question. It could be the cytoplasm, or the mitochondria, or even the vesicle, etc.

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reactions that produce?

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reactions that produce the electron transport system that generates a proton gradient. Also site of the ATPase complex which uses the proton gradient to produce ATP.

What is the active site and what is is its job?

The active site is part of an enzyme, which is used to help facilitate chemical reactions. In particular, the active site is the part where that reaction occurs.