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Q: Where is the site of absorption of digested food?
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Absorption is whereby the digested food substances are entering our bloodstream. Assimilation is whereby the body makes use of these absorbed food substances that has entered our blood

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What do intestinal cells do?

They maximise absorption of digested food into the blood

What classes of food doesn't have to be digested before it can be absorbed by the small intestine?

Vitamins are not be digested before absorption. The same is true for the minerals. They need not be digested before absorption.

Where is the food is absorbed?

Absorption of digested foodstuffs occurs in the small intestine.

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What is the name of the process which take digested food through the small intestine?


Is digested food absorbed through the wall of the gut to the stomach?

Some absorption also happens there however, most of the absorption of nutrients happens in the small intestines with the help of the many enzymes to break down the food that is digested by the stomach.

What happens to digested food after absorption?

Food is digested in the stomach, and this digestion continues to some degree in the small intestine. But it is largely in the small intestine that the nutrients are absorbed from the stream of digested materials. Anything not absorbed continues on to the large intestine for water extraction and further on to excrement.