

Where is the stomata in the lotus?

Updated: 2/12/2021
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11y ago

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They are found on the upper surface of the leaf.

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Q: Where is the stomata in the lotus?
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Do lotus leaf have stomata?

Yes they do! All leaves have stomata, but the lotus's stomata are on the top of the leaf, not the bottom.

Stomata are found on upper or lower surface in lotus leaf?

Stomata in lotus plant is on the upper side of the leaves . BY:Alvir Tuazon

Where is the stomata in lotus and why?

Stomata in lotus are primarily located on the upper surface of the leaves. This adaptation helps to minimize water loss through transpiration by reducing exposure to sunlight and wind, which can promote evaporation. The positioning of stomata on the upper surface also allows for efficient gas exchange and absorption of carbon dioxide.

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stomata =Specialized passages through the cuticle that enable plants to exchange gases.

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Stomata is already the plural form of stoma.

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The Stoma or the Stomata (plural) .

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stomata :) i think...