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Q: Where is the tropic of cancer on June 21?
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Which zone has 24 hours of daylight on June 21?

Tropic cancer

On June 21 the vertical rays of the Sun strike a parallel of latitude known as what?

the Tropic of Cancer

When does the 90o angle solar rays strike the Tropic of Cancer?

summer solstice, or june 21

What is the duration of daylight at the tropic of cancer on summer solstice?

The day is June 20 or June 21 that the solstice takes place. During the summer solstice the duration of day time is directly over the tropic of cancer.

When the sun is over the Tropic of Cancer what season is it in traverse city?

When the sun is directly over the head of a person on the Tropic of Cancer,it is June 21, and everybody in Michigan is celebrating the beginning of Summer.

What month do the direct rays of sun hit the tropics of Cancer?

The sun is directly overhead on the Tropic of Cancer at the timeof the June solstice ... roughly June 21 or 22.

The ninety degree angle of solar rays are striking the tropic of cancer on what date?

The Sun Is Ovearhead the Tropic of Cancer at the beginning of summer(June) in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter(December) in the Southern Hemisphere.. The Sun Is Ovearhead the Tropic of Cancer at the beginning of summer(June) in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter(December) in the Southern Hemisphere..

Does the northern hemisphere have more daylight hours on December 21 to June 21?

The Tropic of Cancer ... an imaginary line of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere ... receives direct sun rays on June 21.

Do vertical sun rays hit the tropic of cancer and Capricorn at all times?

No. That configuration occurs somewhere on the Tropic of Cancer once a year for a moment, around June 21, and somewhere on the Tropic of Capricorn once a year for a moment, around December 22.

At noon on June 21 the vertical ray of the sun strikes the earth at?

The sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer on the Summer Solstice.

What is the difference between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn?

Its Mainly that one has its solstice 21 June (Cancer) and other 21 December (Capricorn) and that one is south and one is north of Equator. They both are quite alike, both have hot dry climate and are situated 23.27 degrees in any direction of Equator.

When is the sun directly overhead a 23.5 degres north latitude?

The sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer on the June Solstice, which can either fall on June 20 or 21 each year.