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Q: Where is the world largest Delta region located?
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Which is the largest delta in the world?

The Tigre Delta, located between Arentina and Uruguary, is the second largest delta in the world. This delta is second largest to the Ganges Delta located in Bangladesh India.

What country is Okavango Delta located?

The Okavango Delta (or Okavango Swamp), in Botswana, is the world's largest inland delta.

How large is the delta?

The Sundarbans is located primarily in Bangladesh. This delta contains 4,110 kilometers in land mass. This makes the Sundarbans the largest delta in the world.

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The largest island in this region is Greenland. It is the world's largest island, located in the Arctic region and politically a part of Denmark.

How large is the Sundarbans delta?

The Sundarbans is located primarily in Bangladesh. This delta contains 4,110 kilometers in land mass. This makes the Sundarbans the largest delta in the world.

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The world's largest rainforest, which is located in northern South America, is the Amazon.


Sumderban delta

Largest delta in the world?


What countries are located in a region where some of the world's largest civilizations developed?

Some countries located in a region where some of the world's largest civilizations developed include Italy, Greece, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Egypt, India, China, Mexico, and Chile.

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A region is an area that does not have designated fixed boundaries. The second largest region of the world is considered to be North America. The largest region of the world is Asia.

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East Asia. Russia is wrong in every way