

Where is your deltiods?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Where is your deltiods?
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Where are the deltiods located?

in the stomach

What is the antagonist in a bench press?

the agonist should be the deltiods and biceps, the agonist should be the triceps and the stabilizer is the wrist.

What major muscles antagonists in a bench press?

Any time you are doing an exercise where you are pushing a secondary mover will be be the tricep. An antagonist when doing a pushing exercise will always be the bicep.

What muscles are being worked with sit ups?

rectus abdominis, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, deltoid, pectoralis major, quadricps, glutues miximus or your abs thanks for reading i hope you understand -Steph DA

What muscles are used in a bench press?

If done correctly, bench dips only work the tricep muscles. but ifmyou dont do it correctelly you will hurt your self and you might even pull your musclesxx lolIf done correctly, bench dips only work the tricep muscles.

What muscle rotates shoulder blade?

MuscleDirectionRegionPectoralis Minorinsertioncoracoid processCoracobrachialisorigincoracoid processSerratus Anteriorinsertionmedial borderTriceps Brachii (long head)origininfraglenoid tubercleBiceps Brachii (short head)origincoracoid processBiceps Brachii (long head)originsupraglenoid tubercleSubscapularisoriginsubscapular fossaRhomboid Majorinsertionmedial borderRhomboid Minorinsertionmedial borderLevator Scapulaeinsertionmedial borderTrapeziusinsertionspine of scapulaDeltoidoriginspine of scapulaSupraspinatusoriginsupraspinous fossaInfraspinatusorigininfraspinous fossaTeres Minororiginlateral borderTeres Majororiginlateral borderLatissimus Dorsi (a few fibers)origininferior angleOmohyoidoriginsuperior border

What muscles are used passing a rugby ball?

Upper body mainly. Deltiods. If passing off right arm to the left your right arm would contract using the anterior deltiod, the left arm would contract using the posterior deltiod. Other muscles used would be the wrist flexors, pronator teres, biceps and triceps. Possibly trapizius. Pectorals.

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Muscles all around the body are used to power through somebodies thighs and smash them to the ground. The main muscles used are probably:ShouldersTriceps (if pulling down on victims shirt)AbsWrist MusclesQuadricepsCalf'sGeneral Muscles around the Thigh.Hope this has helped! =)

Name 5 major muscle in your body?

trapeziusdeltiodslatissimus dorsipectoralsbicepstricepsquadricepshamstringsbutt musclesabdominalsgastrocnemiusRectus abdominusglutues maximustibialssoleus