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Q: Where knights allowed to have a family?
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The knights of labor allowed what?

Yes the Knights of Labor allowed unskilled workers and skilled workers alike.

Were knights able to get married?

Most knights were allowed to marry, but there were some who were not, There were monastic orders of knights, such as the Knights Templar, and these orders often required their members to make monastic vows. Some of these did not allow marriage.

What were knights not allowed to do?

Knights were not allowed to marry without their lord's permission, flee from battle, or disrespect their king or queen. They were expected to follow a strict code of conduct that emphasized loyalty, courage, and honor.

What family do all knights come from?

Starting as a boy, you need to come from a wealthy family in order to be a knight. Knights are from wealthy familys.

Were Knights allowed to kill peasants?

Knights were not simply allowed to kill peasants. I know of no secular laws that allowed this, and Church law certainly would not, unless the peasants were guilty of some crime. A country that gave knights free reign to do such a thing would have been at odds with the Church very quickly. It was allowed in ancient Rome, but even in ancient Rome, the laws had changed.

Did the invention of metal armor allowed the knights to use a lance?


Who did the Knights of Labor allowed to join as members of their union?

all workers

What is the best thing about a knights life?

the best thing in a knights life is thay have a family that cares about tham

What was a knight's family life in the Middle Ages?


What allowed knights to ride horses?

Usually their noble steed, which is a Horse.

Was my family in the Knights Templar if the Red Maltese Cross is on my family crest?

Sorry, but there is no such thing as a Family Coat of Arms.

Why did knights use sybols?

the symbols are called crests. A knights crest showed what family he was from because each family had a different family cres. A knight could also wear his kings crest to show what king he served