

Where most like live the fungi to wet or dry surface?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Wet surfaces.

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Q: Where most like live the fungi to wet or dry surface?
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Most fungi live by decomposing the remains of plants animals and microbes found in soil that is why most fungi are called?


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Actually, they are protists that act very similarly to fungi. Their cells are very similar and they live in similar climates.

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What are the fungi groups?

There are two major groups of fungi recognized today. They are true fungi like Earth tongues, truffles and most lichens and fungi-like organisms such as, slime molds, and plasmyxids.

Where is fungi live in?

fungi can vary, it depends on the type. The most common climate for fungi is warm moist areas although some grow in dark and cold climates.

Fungi grows where?

Fungi are found all around the world and grow in a wide range of habitats, including deserts. Most grow on land (terrestrial) environments, but several species live only in aquatic habitats. Most fungi live in either soil or dead matter, and many are symbionts of plants, animals, or other fungi.

What are the groups?

There are two major groups of fungi recognized today. They are true fungi like Earth tongues, truffles and most lichens and fungi-like organisms such as, slime molds, and plasmyxids.

Most fungi that live among the roots of plants are what to the plants?

Some fungi allow an exchange of nutrients between the plant and fungi such as phosphate and nitrates. The fungi also allows for defense against certain insects and pests.

Can some fungi live as saprophytes and also as parasites?

Yes, a few fungi are parasitic. Not all of them.

Why don't mushrooms need light?

Mushrooms are a type of fungi instead of a basic plant. Fungi do not have chlorophyll like plants do. Therefore, they do not need sunlight to produce anything. Most mushrooms live off of the organism or area they grow on.