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You can find out more about women body building from your local gym, even if they do not offer body building services there they will be able to inform you where you can go to more information. Health food stores may also be able to offer more information as they may sell the supplements that you need to train.

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11y ago

If you wanted to look up information on bodybuilding, you begin to look the site Body Building. That site gives out every type of information about bodybuilding that could ever be needed.

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11y ago

One can learn about power lifting by going to their local library and getting a book on it. One can also go online at websites such as Body Building, USA Power Lifting, or Faith and Fitness.

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11y ago

There are many fitness and nutrition websites that provide information on female muscle growth. Some of these sites include Muscle & Strength, Cut And Jacked, and JCD Fitness.

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