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Ebay and Amazon are often used to sell used and refurbished electronics. Some sites also specialise in these goods, such as Techforless, Newegg, and Supersonic.

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Q: Where online can one purchase used or refurbished eclectronics?
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One can purchase a used iPod on eBay, Craigslist, and Amazon. If one would rather buy a refurbished iPod, one can buy one at Apple's online store, Gamestop, and Amazon.

How much does the Compaq TC1100 cost?

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Where can one purchase a cheap refurbished Xbox 360?

There are a few places that one can purchase a refurbished Xbox 360. Kijiji would have used or refurbished Xbox 360 that are being sold by an owner, as well as Craig's List. Another option would be to shop at Future Shop or Best Buys as both of these stores would sell the Xbox 360 there as well. If one wishes to purchase a cheap refurbished Xbox 360 online then one can use the websites eBay as well as Amazon. On both of these websites one can find great deals as well as customer reviews.

Where can one purchase an X Box console?

A used Xbox can be found for sale online at both Amazon and eBay. These sites feature sellers selling both used and refurbished Xboxes and Xbox 360's online.

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The average costs of sony erricsson W800l is $75 for used while for refurbished they might go up as high as $ 130 if you do purchase the phone online on places like amazon.

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Where can you go to purchase used cell phones?

Used cell phones are available for purchase from many on-line retailers. You can also check your local area for retailers specializing in the sale of used and refurbished cellular devices.

Where could a person purchase a used PC?

Used PCs can often be found for sale from websites such as Jamie's Computers or eBay. One can alternatively purchase refurbished PCs from most software companies, such as Dell.