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To have a pregnancy, the penis enters the vagina. There must also be an ejaculation.

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Q: Where penetrate the penis for pregnant?
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Will you get pregnant by just feeling your boyfriends penis?

to get pregnant you have to have sexual intercourse, his penis has to enter your vagina for you to get pregnant.

Can you get a girl pregnant if you have a 4.5 in penis?

The size of the penis has nothing to do with your ability to get someone pregnant. Its your sperm. So yes you can get a girl pregnant with a 4.5 in penis.

How does a girl penetrate a guys penis when she is on top?

take a needle and poke it

How noticeable is it to a girl when a penis penetrates her?

Have no idea, but she groans when I penetrate her, which I suppose is a sign of pleasure, therefore she feels a penis penetrating her with pleasure.

Can a woman who has a penis get pregnant?


Can a male with 4 inch erect penis make a woman pregnant?

Size isn't important for pregnancy... sperm is what is required and that is produced in your testicles and ejaculated through your penis... So as long as you can penetrate her vagina it is long enough. So I'm only guessing ... but my pinky finger can do that ... so I fugure around 3 inches should be plenty to get a woman pregnant.

How long the penis have to be to reach a virgina?

It only needs to have a length of around 3" to penetrate effectively.

Why does it hurt inside when penetrate deep or penetrate from behind?

Deep insertion leads to direct physical impact of penis end on the female cervix which is quite sensitive. This leads to increased sensation of pain particularly if the penis length is significantly more or it is inserted from behind .

What is a pilac?

it is a penis or a pregnant fish

Can an IUD cut your penis?

It is highly unlikely. An IUD is implanted in the uterus and the penis cannot penetrate that organ. The thread-like implant cords are imperceptible to the partners.

Can you get pregnant if the penis only enters a couple of inches?

ANSWER :You can get pregnant even if the penis doesn't enter. All that needs to enter is the sperm.