

Where pillows ever used in war?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Of course, soldiers have always slept on pillows.

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Q: Where pillows ever used in war?
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Did soldiers in World War 1 have pillows?

i think soilders didnt have pillows in world if war craft 2

Should babies ever be given pillows?

No, young babies not be given any pillows because the pillows could fall on top of them and they could sufficate.

What are accent pillows used for?

Accent pillows, or throw pillows, are used to enhance a room. They are used to bring out the colors and shape of a room. An accent pillow can really make a difference in a room.

What are toss pillows used for?

A toss pillow is also known as a throw pillow. Toss pillows small to medium decorative pillows that are used on furniture such as couches, loveseats, chairs, and beds.

Who invented pillows?

The name of the person who made the first pillows is not known. We do know that pillows were used as far back as Ancient Egypt and the Chinese dynasties.

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No, not in a war.

What is the difference between a shams and toss pillows?

Shams are the frilly covers that go over regular pillows. Toss pillows vary in shape and size, but are typically smaller pillows used for decoration or convenience.

What did ancient Egyptians use as pillows?

they used wood they did not have pillows

What is the used of duck feather?

Duck down and feathers are used in pillows.

How are down pillows different from other pillows?

Down pillows are different from other pillows because it is made of down feathers, which is much softer and comfier than other materials used to make such. It has much more appeal in terms of customers.

Who used pillows?

im pretty sure everyone does.

When was goose down first used for pillows?

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact time in human history when goose down was first used for pillows. Pillows first came into common use during the Tudor dynasty of England. Goose down was a common stuffing material for these pillows. Prior to this pillows were mostly used for decorative purposes. As with any historical fact of such rare nature there does not seem to be an exact date when goose down was used for pillows. I'm sure that our earliest ancestors where using it in some fasion and it has gone in and out of fasion as the nature of the pillow has done for the many years and cultures.