

Where queens of Egypt buried in the pyramids?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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yes some pyramids where for kings and others queens!

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Q: Where queens of Egypt buried in the pyramids?
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Where do queens of Egypt get buried?

They are buried in the Queen's chamber of a Pyramid.

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No they buried the kings in pyramids in Egypt.

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In Egypt, the pharaohs were buried in Valley of the Kings.

Why did acient egypt build pyramids?

Ancient Egyptians built pyramids in order to bury the pharaohs and their queens.

Why were the pyramids created in Egypt?

The pyramids house the pharaohs of Egypt along with them were buried all the things they needed in the afterlife.

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In ancient Egypt pharaoh were buried in pyramids.

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The Kings of Egypt were buried with the other Kings, within the depths of the pyramids, because it was then and still, today, is considered an honor to be buried amongst their predecessors.

What types of structure were pharaohs buried in?

A Pharoh was buried in a sarcophagus which was located in special chambers in called tombs inside pyramids in Egypt. Was this what you were looking for?

Why were the sphinx and the pyramids around it built?

The pyramids were sometimes used to bury the King. Most of the time though, Kings and Queens were buried in tombs.

What people were buried in the pyramids?

The pyramids of Egypt were primarily built as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. These pharaohs were believed to be divine rulers and were buried with valuable treasures and belongings they would need in the afterlife. Some of the famous pharaohs buried in the pyramids include Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

How does Egypt benefit from its pyramids?

Thay bury people, like kings and queens, to honor them.