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Mountain lions hate smoke so he started a fire

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In "Where the Red Fern Grows," Billy kills the bobcat by using an axe. He defends himself and his dogs from the attacking bobcat by striking it with the axe, ultimately killing it.

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11y ago

he killes them by a gun.

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Q: Where the Red Fern Grows- how does billy kill the bobcat?
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Where the Red Fern Grows how does billy get let down?

kill urself

What chapter did billy kill the mountain lion in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Billy kills the mountain lion in Chapter 16 of "Where the Red Fern Grows." This event is a significant moment in the story as it showcases Billy's bravery and his bond with his hunting dogs.

In Where the Red Fern Grows what is rubin brother name?

Ruban die's by Billy tripping him with a tree branch because he was chasing Billy's dog's with ax to kill them after they had atacked his bluetick hound. Anyway's, You shouldn't run with an ax anyways.

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In "Where the Red Fern Grows," Billy refrains from killing the ghost coon because he feels compassion for the animal. He sees the coon as a noble adversary and feels a connection to it, ultimately choosing not to end its life out of respect for its wild spirit.

How did Ruben fall on the ax in Where the Red Fern Grows?

In the book "Where the Red Fern Grows," Ruben accidentally falls on the ax while carrying it down a steep hill. His foot slips on loose gravel, causing him to lose his balance and resulting in the tragic accident.

What does the axe that billy used to kill the lion in Where the Red Fern Grows mean?

The axe symbolizes Billy's determination, courage, and resourcefulness in facing challenges and protecting his dogs. It represents his connection to nature and his willingness to take risks to achieve his goals. Additionally, the axe reflects the harsh reality of survival in the wilderness where Billy lives.

Can a regular moose kill a bobcat?

No,A bull moose is the only moose that can kill a Bobcat.

Why did Ruben fall on the ax in Where the Red Fern Grows?

In the book "Where the Red Fern Grows," Ruben falls on the ax while chopping wood due to a moment of carelessness and distraction. This accident serves as a tragic turning point in the story, leading to important consequences for the characters and the overall narrative.

How do you kill a bobcat?

Shoot it

Where did rubin die in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Book version: Billy's dogs were killing the Pritchards' dog, so Rubin decided to kill Billy's dogs. He picked up Billy's ax and then started running. He tripped on a stick and fell. The ax's blade entered Billy's stomach, therefore killing him. Movie version: BIlly's dogs were killing the Pritchards' dog, so Rubin decided to kill Billy's dogs. He picked up Billy's ax and started running, but Billy didn't want his dogs to die. Billy tackled at Rubin's legs, causing him to fall. As he did, the ax's blade entered Rubin's body (which didn't actually happen, because that's too graphic.), causing him to die.

Does bobcat kill chickens?

Yes, bobcats kill and eat chickens.

Does a fox eat a bobcat?

No bobcats are king