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In "Where the Red Fern Grows," the phrase "real treasure for a country boy" refers to the two hunting dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann. For a country boy like the main character, Billy, having loyal and skilled hunting dogs is considered a valuable and cherished possession that brings companionship and aid in hunting adventures. The dogs are seen as a source of joy, pride, and valuable help in the rural setting where Billy lives.

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Q: Where the Red Fern Grows what does it mean by a real treasure for a country boy?
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In "Where the Red Fern Grows," to tree a coon means that the dogs have chased the raccoon up into a tree, where it is then trapped as it cannot escape. This is a common scenario in raccoon hunting where the dogs corner the raccoon at the base of a tree, preventing it from getting away.

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What does Fern mean in Welsh?

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What does fern mean in Spanish?

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