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Into the gum just below the tooth, I'm not sure how specific you want it - they don't inject your tooth if that's what you're asking.

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Q: Where the dentists inject the anesthetics?
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How do I wake up from the dentist anesthesia?

Most anesthetics used by dentists do not make you sleep.

What states allow dental assistants to give anesthetic?

There are different types of anesthetic. Some states may allow assistants to apply topical anesthetics, but no state allows assistants to inject local anesthetics or induce nitrous oxide or general anesthetics.

Where would a dentist inject lidocaine to prevent pain in the lower teeth?

Dentists inject lidocaine in to the mandibular foramen to prevent pain in the lower teeth.

Are are anesthetics and anesthesia the same thing?

Anesthetics are used during anesthesia. There are many different anesthetics used, the most common being Propofol.

Who gives anesthetics?

General anesthetics are given only by anesthesiologists, the medical professionals trained to use them.

Why is a Expanded Functions Dental Assistant not permitted to administer local anesthetics?

An Expanded Functions Dental Assistant is not permitted to administer local anesthetics because they have not been trained to administer local anesthetics, and they are not trained to handle the potential complications of administering local anesthetics.

What does local anaesthesia mean?

there are two main classes of anesthetics 1. General anesthetics 2. Local anesthetics General anesthetics are used to produce general analgesia (total unconsciousness) that is utilized for surgery purpose. eg. chloroform Local anesthetics are used to produce analgesia (numbness) to local area of body (particular area) eg, xylocaine

What drug do dentists inject into gums to do teeth fillings?

It is a anesthetic to numb the pain of the procedure.

When was anesthetics invented?

In 1849.

How was anesthetics made?


What are inhalation anesthetics?

compounds that enter the body through the lungs and are carried by the blood to body tissues. Inhalation anesthetics are less often used alone in recent clinical practice; they are usually used together with intravenous anesthetics

Is the topical gel used prior local anesthesia a controlled substance drug?

Yes it is, unless the dentist does anything illegal. But usually topical anesthetics are widely sold from dental supply compagnies, and the price isn't expensive, so there is no reason for dentists to buy anything cheaper and not controlled.