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Q: Where the fire spreads more rapidly?
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How is this good 'We get on like a house on fire'?

To say that two people "get on like a house on fire" means that their friendship became very warm very quickly, in the way that a fire rapidly spreads through a house.

What is the definition of a wildfire?

A fire that spreads rapidly, acts very intense and moves quickly.

What happens when fire grows?

It spreads and causes a bigger fire somewhere else or just causes more damage to where the fire was originally at.

Why is a small pipe used for a fire extinguisher?

So more liquid spreads in a small area . This is effective because, if there is a fire , then it will be put out more quikly (B) CUZ IM A BOSS

Are forest fires easy to solve?

It depends on the structure of the forest. In a natural forest, no, since fire spreads rapidly. In a plantation forest, normally fire-breaks (large open gaps between rows of trees) will be incorporated to help prevent the spread of fire by burning trees falling onto other trees.

What happens when a fire spreads in the ocean?

it is imposable a fire can't even start in fire, there for a fire CAN'T spread in a ocean.

What damage does fire cause?

The damage that a fire can cause will vary depending on how fast it spreads. This may include causalities, fatalities, destruction of property, pollution of the environment and so much more.

What spreads more poullution row boats or cars?

CAR SPREADS more pollution.

Can fire make water evaporate?

Water evaporates more rapidly when it is hot; so, yesfire will increase evaporation.

How dangerous are fire tornadoes?

Firewhirls can be very dangerous as they can rapidly spread fire.

How fire can start?

Fires can start in lots of ways. Such as .... You left a candle on and it fell over, setting fire to a sofa!!! Or a bush fire, when lightning struck a tree and sets a bush alight, which then spreads around a whole forest or wood. Or a cigarette has been dumped on the ground and set fire to the grass . There are loads more !!!!!!!

What is the comparative to rapidly?

more rapidly