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Q: Where the gosselin kids sad when they found out they were moving?
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How did Bruno feel when he found out he was moving houses?


How is Joel gosselin?

i think sad because of the divorse and the separation but pretty much happy

Are Mady and Cara Gosselin happy?

i dont think they are. they seem sad sometimes. and they have to help out with the other six.

Was cara gosselin sad about the divorce?

yes Kate said that she curled up in a ball in her arms and sobbed

Who died that is causing a delay in the Gosselin divorce?

The wife of the judge scheduled to hear the latest motions regarding the Gosselin's divorce died.It is sad that the Judge's wife died, but her death did not delay the Gosselin's divorce. The Gosselins public battles, and inability to settle financial dealings with the arbitor are delaying the divorce.The hearing was to address the latest Gosselin financial battles, not to finalize the Gosselin divorce.Jon Gosselin filed a motion requesting a 90-day extension so that he and Kate could sit down together to negotiate the details of their divorce.

Why is there a happy meal and not a sad meal?

Consider this. Why would anyone want their kids to be sad?

Was Michael Jackson sad that they were moving to California?

Yes he was

Are Michael Jackson's kids sad?


What happens if your cat stops moving?

It died. Sad day.

What will the impact of the books being published about the Gosselins have on the Gosselin children?

They will probably feel really sad that their parents were the subject of jokes around 2010. I sure would.

What is watershed preservation?

It is when kids are not allowed to watch T.V after nine o`clock It is sad for the kids.:{

I can't take it anymore. No one will answer my questions. It's sad that people can't answer my questions. It is very sad?

why yes, it IS deeply moving and a heart-breakingly sad moment for me.