

Where the pulse is usually determined?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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On Your Neck, Wrist Or On Your Heart Beat?

(Btw Palm Side Up On Your Wrist) Was That Any Help?

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Q: Where the pulse is usually determined?
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Before CPR is initiated on an adult the presence of circulation is usually determined by palpation of which pulse brachial carotid femoral popliteal radial?

Carotid pulse.

The pulse rate is equal to?

the pulse rate is usually equal to the heart rate

What is a males pulse rate per minute usually?

The Average Male Pulse is 114

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Use the AED when the pulse is confirmed absent.

What is the spiritual meaning of pulse?

Usually life. If the heart is beating (has a pulse), then there is life. When it stops, there is death.

What is Pulse generator a?

a generator of single or multiple voltage pulses; usually adjustable for pulse rate

In what way can the pulse be easily determined?

If you can, try and find your heartbeat by measuring your pulse over fifteen seconds, by placing your fingers either under your neck or on your wrist. If you can't find it, your doctor will have a device capable of measuring your pulse for you.

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It is usually determined by math, and by measuring.

Why are apical pulse usually taken on infants and children?

because infants have higher average pulse rates.

Where are the pulse point in infants?

It is usually easiest to find the brachial pulse under the bicep, in the arm. The carotid pulse can be a little tricky, but if you can see it, you can get the rate visually.

How do you calculate the width of pulse in pulse position modulation?

The width of the pulse in PPM is not important, but is usually very narrow and constant in any given PPM system.

How is the correct form of acupressure determined for a patient?

examines a patient very thoroughly, looking at physical, mental and emotional activity, taking the pulse usually at the wrists, examining the tongue and complexion, and observing the patient's demeanor and attitude