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Q: Where to file a report about harboring a minor?
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Can a minor file a police report in illinois?

Yes a minor can file a police report anywhere.

How can your mom legally stop you from moving out?

If you are of legal age she can not but if you are a minor she can report you as a runaway and the police will come after you. Anyone who you stay with then will be harboring a runaway which is illegal.

What is the charge for harboring a runaway in the state of WA?

The charge is Unlawful harboring of a minor and you can read more in the link below.

Runaway or absentee minor report?

A runaway or absentee minor report is what a person files if a minor in their custody has run away or is missing. There are various reasons parents do not file a report a runaway that include not wanting to involve police involvement, they know where the minor is, or they do not think police involvement is needed.

What is the law for Harboring a Runaway Child?

Harboring a runaway child is typically considered a crime, as it involves knowingly providing shelter or assistance to a minor who has left home without permission. Penalties for harboring a runaway vary by jurisdiction but can include fines, imprisonment, or both. It is important to report any knowledge of a runaway child to the appropriate authorities.

A friend has left his parents home and is living with us what rights do we have?

If you live in the US... You have zero rights. His parents have all rights, include the right to file a police report, in which case you could very likely find yourself facing criminal charges--harboring a runaway, contributing to the delinquency minor, etc.

What are the harboring a minor runaway laws in Canada?

In Canada, harboring a minor runaway is a gross misdemeanor. While the penalty can vary, someone convicted of this crime could spend up to one year in jail.

If a minor moves out at the age of 15 to go live with an adult in a different state can your parents do anything about it?

They can report you as a run away. The individual harboring the minor could have criminal charges brought against them, particularly if they provided the transportation across state lines.

Can a person file an insurance claim 72 days after a minor auto with accident no police report?

Yes you can.

How do you file charges for Harboring a child?

How do you file charges on someone who will not allow the only living guardian see their child?

What if she is 15 years old can you get charged for harboring her?

As long as the minor is a runaway you can get charged for harboring her. A 15yo may not choose where to live and is not allowed to leave without parental permission.

What is harboring a minor?

Hiding a minor from the law and sometimes his or her parents. Sometimes that refers to when a minor comitted a crime and you're hiding them so it makes it hard for the law to find them and prosecute them.