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Israeli artist, Chanoch Ben-Dov, a resident of Rosh Pina in the Upper Galilee, uses special techniques to create various Judaica articles such as Hanukkah menorahs, memorial lights and exquisite decorations for the home and yard. All works are executed in the craftsman\'s workshop attached to his home, and visits are welcome.

Ben-Dov's creations reflect a strong link between his family's roots and his childhood landscape - the Galilee and the Land of Israel. An example of this link is the "six cane menorah", a piece dedicated to the memory of the six million victims of the Holocaust.

In his work, Chanoch Ben-Dov combines stone from the Galilee, glass and iron. All these materials, basic and firm, symbolize the survival of the Jewish people and its solid bond to the Land of Israel. The pieces, full of expression and strength, are designed in a contemporary style based on ancient motifs.

Chanoch Ben-Dov's creations have been purchased and decorate many places, including the Jewish Museum in New York and many other homes and institutions, throughout the US, and particularly in New York.

Ben-Dov exhibited at Art Expo '98 and at the 1996 Judaica Exhibition at Binyaney Ha'uma, Jerusalem. The "Jewish art catalog" combines the Jewish art of Chanoch Bon dov, a Jewish artist in Israel.

In the "Jewish art catalog" a magnificent items of Jewish art, crafted from: iron, glass and bronze.

Chanoch Ben dov enrich the Jewish art catalog with his work in the subject of: hanukkah, menorah, jewish, judaica, Mezuzah, Jewish art and more.

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