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Q: Where to find a trainer who has munchlax?
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Where is a trainer with a munchlax in Pokemon pearl?

your rival has a munchlax when u vs Jupiter and mars in spear pillar

What trainer in platinum is willing to trade a munchalxs?

There is no trainer in platinum that is willing to trade a munchlax.

What trainer has a munchlax?

Your rival in diamond/pearl/platinum

Is there a trainer with munchlax in Pokemon pearl?

No there isn't. But if you want to find one you slather a tree with honey. I don't exactly know which tree though.

Where can you battle a trainer with a munchlax in Pokemon diamond?

Your rival has a Munchlax. That's how he gets Snorlax. When you battle Mars & Jupiter at Spear Pillar, your rival teams up with you. If his Staraptor gets knocked out, he sends in Munchlax.

Where do you see munchlax in Pokemon platinum?

Trainer inside the Café Cabin on Route 210.

What trainer will have munchlax in Pokemon platinum?

There is a trainer in the solaceon cafe if you have battled him before you cant battle him but one of the guys in blue has it hope this helps

Where to find a trainer that carrys a burmy with them in Pokemon diamond?

if you battle every trainer you find then you will find a burmy to battle or you can but honey on a gold tree and come back 8 to 10 hours but you mit not find the Pokemon you what but they are rare if your lucky the most rarest Pokemon on trees with are munchlax keep on trying then you will find a burmy

Where do you get munchlax on SoulSilver?

You have to go to one of the routes on the pokewalker to find Munchlax.

Where can you find munchlax in Pokemon gaurdian signs?

You can find munchlax in the curl bay at the very beginning to your right.

Where can you find a Munchlax in diamond?

To find a Munchlax you need to put honey on a tree, wait for a while and go back to the tree. You might find a munchlax but you can find other rare Pokemon too. Such as Aipom and Burmy.

Which trainer has munchlax in platinum?

In all games, he is in the cafe.Not the Top Trainer Cafe (PS)Have you got 3 Gym Badges and deafeated your rival,Barry??? It's simple as that!!!