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Try YouTube .

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Q: Where to watch cartoons besides megavideo?
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How many minutes of video a day can you see in megavideo?

not for sure but when i watch videos on megavideo you can only watch 72 min and you have to wait 54 min to watch any more videos

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Why is it that when on megavideo you watch something and it loads fully that you cant watch it?

because you fail

Why do people get the idea that only children watch cartoons?

because older people are jelous and have no time to watch carttons with their children, and think that children watch cartoons because have a lot of time and to keep them quiet and not doing anything...but some adults think that cartoons are stupid, and only kids watch them because kids are not that "smart"as adults, but i disagree with that because not all of the cartoons are stupid..and besides, everyone watches cartoons,nomater what age the person is..if you ask someone "do you watch cartoons" and they make a face like "what the heck?" and answer you"no,i don't whacth cartoons" because they try to be mature - trust me, they lie...everyone watches cartoons and everyone likes them as well...

What is an effective workaround for megavideo to watch online movies?

Megavideo no more working. So goto other sites like, etc to watch online movies.

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what kind of cartoons does the moon watch

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