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Q: Where was Chuine Sugihara working during World War 2?
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Who was chiune Sugihara?

Chiune Sugihara was a Japanese diplomat who worked in the country of Lithuania. He was very courageous when he gave thousands of the Jews visas to go to Japan during World War II. The Japanese government did not approve of him doing this. He did it anyway and saved thousands of lives.

When did the Japanese Embassy evacuate Jews from Germany during World War 2?

It was in this context that Sugihara was confronted with the requests of thousands of Polish Jews fleeing German-occupied Poland. ... For 29 days, from July 31 to August 28, 1940, Mr. and Mrs. Sugihara unflinchingly sat for endless hours signing visas with their own hands.

What was Chiune Sugihara at the beginning of World War 2?

He was vice-consul at the Japanese consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Where was Chiune Sugihara at the beginning of World War 2?

He was at home taking a nap because he was tired from all the people he killed the day before

Who were the characters for the story Passage To Freedom?

"Passage to Freedom" is a book based on the true story of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania, who saved thousands of Jews during World War II by issuing them visas to escape. The main characters in the story are Chiune Sugihara, his wife Yukiko, and the refugees who sought his help.

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Working on assembly lines

What was the same that women where doing before World War II and during wold war II?

working in factories.

When did women begin war time work?

They began working in factories and mills during world war two because all the men of working age were fighting in the war.

How many women were killed during world war 2 working in manufacturing industries?

180,000 between 1941 and 1945

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She may have resided there while working at a Veteran"s hospital during World War I.

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During the beginning of 2008 it was said that 30% of the world's cranes where working in Dubai construction.