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Roger Patterson was from Wall, South Dakota.

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Q: Where was Patterson the one who found bigfoot born?
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When was the movie bigfoot made?

"Bigfoot" (1967). This is the original one minute film by Roger Patterson. "Bigfoot" (1970). Stars John Carradine, John Mitchum, Christopher Mitchum. "Bigfoot" (2006). Stars Todd Cox, Liza Foster, Bob Gray. "Bigfoot" (2007). 13 minute short. stars Ervin Chartrand.

Did you take a video or picture of a sasquatch?

Not personally. One of the best video's on Bigfoot is the Patterson film taken in the late 1960's.

Where could one view video footage of Bigfoot?

The sole purported video of Bigfoot is the Patterson-Gimlin film shot in October 1967 and is available on YouTube. In 2002 Morris Costumes put forth a purported Bigfoot video which was later admitted to be a hoax to promote the company.

Where was the famous bigfoot video recorded?

The video was recorded in Bluff Creek, Ca by Roger Patterson in 1967 while on horseback. This famous footage is thought of as one of the best pieces of evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot(Sasquatch) in the USA.

How many kids did James Patterson have?

James Patterson has a son: Jack Patterson.

Who first seen bigfoot?

Patterson and his friend were the first ones to get him on tape but i don't knnow if they were the first ones to say they saw him. Its been said that bigfoots been around since Indians were here. Well go to and put in Patterson bigfoot film. Actually, Patterson was the first one to see bigfoot, but I don't think that it was around since Indians have been here. actually Indians have stories before the white man came to the nation.

Where is big foot mostly found?

I have found that Bigfoot is most found in Alaska, if you want to find one just got there, trust me I am a scientist.

Who calls bigfoot yahoos?

No one except you calls bigfoot "yahoos". Yowie and Yahoos is an Australian term for bigfoot.

How hairy is Bigfoot?

bigfoot is so hairy no one knows how hairty he is

Who believes in big foot?

Bigfoot not real in the 600 yrs that America has existed no Americans has killed a bigfoot before America the Indians lived here and in 400yrs no Indians have ever killed a bigfoot no has any person ever found a bigfoot that died from natural causes so1000yrs no one has touched, killed, or seen a bigfoot dead body ever but yet it lives in 10 different states in USA

What time period was big foot even found?

Bigfoot has never found cause it not real America is is just over 600 years old no American has ever killed shot or found a bigfoot the died from natural causes not even the native American have ever killed or found one in 1000 year no one has ever killed or found or even seen up close. The show finding bigfoot claims that bigfoot lives in 10 or more states but America has over 2 billion people no has ever seen it up close or found a body or bones and when man or an animal die it leave behind its dead body and the bones they just don't disappear in to air

Why is there disagreement about bigfoot?

Most Bigfoot investigators favor one theory of Bigfoot's origin or existence and stake their reputations on it, sniping at others who don't share their views. Many times, what one investigator sees as clear evidence of Bigfoot another will dismiss out of hand. In July 2000, curious tracks were found on the Lower Hoh Indian Reservation in Washington state. Bigfoot tracker Cliff Crook claimed that the footprints were "for sure a Bigfoot," though Jeffrey Meldrum, an associate professor of biological sciences at Idaho State University decided that there was not enough evidence to pursue the matter. A set of tracks found in Oregon's Blue Mountains have also been the source of controversy within the community.