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Q: Where was the first telephone made at?
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Was Bell the first to invent a telephone?

no,i thought it was Henry Sampson

When was the frist telephone made?

The telphone was first made in the 18oo's in 1868

When the first phone call was made?

The first telephone call ever made was over 100 years ago now. The call was made on March 10, 1876. Alexander Bell (inventor of the telephone) made the first call.

What does graham bell do?

he made the first telephone and the first one to call

What does alaxander Graham bell do?

he made the first telephone and the first one to call

What city and state was the first telephone call made from?

Bell and Watson experimented with the telephone in Boston, MA.

What location was the first telephone made?

Massachussets, United States.

Who made the first landline telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

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In 1985 which double act comedian made the first ever mobile telephone cal in Britain

What was the first telephone called?

The first telephone call happened on March 10, 1876. The call made by Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, was simply "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."

Who made the words first telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell (the inventor of the telephone) with his assistant Mr. Watson in 1876.

What Alexander graham bell do to help the industral revolution?

He invented the first telephone he created the first form of telephone which made it easier for people to communicate