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The French Revolution was located in Frace just out of the

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Where exactly was the French Revolution started?

The Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 marks the beginning of the French Revolution.

When exactly did the French Revolution begin?

Exact date is uncertain but in was in July 1789.The French Revolution started the 14th of July 1789.

How and why did the french revolution start and where?

The French Revolution started because the people decided that they wanted to get rid of the monarchy government. But what exactly started the revolution was that all though the subjects wanted to get rid of the monarchy , the French soldiers defended the monarchy. So began the Revolution. Good Luck! * The smarter and simpler reason is because the French people were treated unfairly.*

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hum french revolution? you mean 1789 revolution?

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The French Revolution was it a war or a revolution?

The french revolution was more like a revolution as lt literary says.

What was the slogan and its significance during of the french revolution?

"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" and it signified exactly what the 3rd estate (the bourgeoisie) wanted for France.

What led to the fall of Bastille?

the French Revolution.

Mary Wollstonecraft was inspired by .?

the French Revolution

What is the Reign of Terror for the French Revolution?

It's just a little before the end of the French revolution, the important part, a LOT of people were guillotined (executed), not just nobles anymore, even people who were just considered not seeing the revolution go exactly like the others planned, some were even leaders of it

Was the French Revolution an effect of the Industrial Revolution?

No. The French Revolution was not an effect of the industrial revolution. The French revolution occurred due to the anger of the masses against the despotic rule of the monarchs in France.

What is an accurate description of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was the republican uprising against the French monarchy and aristocrats.