

Where was the last Punic battle?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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At Zama, near Carthage.

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Q: Where was the last Punic battle?
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When was the last Punic battle fought?

146 BCE.

Did the Romans win the battle of Zama before they destroyed Carthage?

The Battle of Zama came first. It was the last battle of the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage and took lace in 202 BC. The destruction of Carthage was the outcome of the Third Punic War and occurred in 146 BC.

What battle did Hannibal fight in?

The Punic Battles.

What did Rome do in the last battle of the Punic Wars?

It defeated Carthage and sold its people into slavery as a final solution to its competitor for control of the Western Mediterranean.

What battle ended the Punic wars?

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Which was the greatest defeat for Hannibal?

The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.The Battle of Zama was possibly the greatest defeat for Hannibal as it ended the second Punic War.

Did the battle of Zama mark the beinning or the end of the Punic War?

It was in the closing stage of the Second Punic War. The Third Punic War came half a century later.

Who did Rome fight in the last Punic war?

Carthage, also in the second and third Punic Wars. Punic was a word for Phoenician, and the Carthagininans were Phoenicians.

How did the first punic war last?

23 years. The First Punic War (264 to 241 BC)

What ancient historian provided an excellent account of the Punic War Battle of Cannae?

The ancient Greek historian, Polybius recored the events at the Battle of Cannae. He is given credit for his works on the Punic Wars.

What were the battles of the third Punic war?

Battle of CarthageBattle of Lake TunisBattle of Nepheris

How many wars did ancient Rome and Carthage engage in battle?

Rome and Carthage had three major wars the Romans called the Punic Wars. The 1st Punic War 264 - 241 BC BCE won by Rome. The 2nd Punic War 218 -202 BC BCE won by Rome The 3rd Punic War 149 - 146 BC BCE won by Rome. The result of the last war was the total destruction of Carthage.