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Q: Where was the last recorded act of cannibalism and when was it?
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Related questions

Why cannibalism is widespread among animals?

Cannibalism is the act of eating your own kind. Cannibalism is widespread among animals because there are often food shortages.

What is ritualistic cannibalism?

Ritualistic cannibalism, I suspect, would be the act of eating the flesh of your own species as part of a ritual.

Is an act of Cannibalism legal?

No, it is illegal in most countries.

If mother sharks eat their babies is that called cannibalism?

yes The term "cannibalism" is also used in zoology to mean the act of any species consuming members of its own kind.

Is eating a monkey cannibalism?

"While the expression "cannibalism" has origins in the act of humans eating other humans, it has extended into zoology to mean the act of any animal consuming members of its own type or kind, including the consumption of mates." (Wikipedia) So, unless you are the exact same species of monkey, no, it wouldn't be cannibalism for a human to eat a monkey.

Do cow's drink milk and would this be called Cannibalism?

No and no. Cows drink water, and cannibalism is the act of an animal eating the flesh of it's own species, which cows are not capable of because they are herbivores, not carnivores.

What was the last state to practice cannibalism?

So far, it is the north eastern part of China.

Is cannibalisme around?

The act of eating other human beings is referred to as cannibalism. This particular act is still around and mostly practiced by the Korowai tribe in Papau.

Can i eat a person with no pressed charges?

According to Cornell Law School's Website: Cannibalism is the nonconsensual consumption of another human's body matter. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but the act of cannibalism would probably violate laws against murder and against desecration of corpses.

What was the last recorded eruption of mt Fuji?

the last recorded was in my pant

How do you spell cannibalism?

The correct spelling is cannibalism (eating humans, or the same species).

Is cannibalism legal in Australia?

No. Cannibalism is illegal everywhere.No it is not legal anywhere in the world.