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The location of Medusa's cave is not known.

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Q: Where was the myth of Perseus and Medusa set?
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Who is danae from the greek myths?

Perseus' mother from the myth Perseus and Medusa

Why is perseus and medusa a myth?

They are a myth because the Greeks needed explanations to things they didn't understand.

Who wrote the Greek myth Perseus and Medusa?

The Greek tragedian Euripides

When did the myth of Perseus and Medusa take place?

The Greek myths are not in our chronology.

Who defted Medusa?

Perseus beheaded Medusa, although if there was actual combat involved is debatable upon the myth.

What is the myth of Perseus and Pegasus?

Perseus killed Medusa by cutting off her head and Pegasus came out of her neck. Bellephron was the hero who actually rode Pegasus.

Who got past Medusa to get to the underworld?

Perseus killed Medusa and eventually went to the Underworld when he died in ancient Greek myth.

Differences for greek myth Jason and the golden fleece and the gorgons head?

Jason did kill Medusa that was Perseus

How is Medusa related to Perseus?

because perseus killed medusa

Where was the Medusa myth set?

Earth du

When is the myth of Hercules set?

The myth of Hercules comes after the myth of Perseus and before the Trojan War.

Can Medusa be defeated by reflecting her gaze?

In the myth Perseus and Medusa, Medusa did not have a petrifying gaze. She was so hideous in appearance that anyone who looked at her was turned to stone. Perseus uses a polished shield to look at her reflection instead of at her and was able to approach her and cut off her head with a sword.