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were was the tactic of the sit-in protest first used

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Q: Where was the tatic of the sit-in protest first used?
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Where was the tatic of the sit in protest used?

were was the tactic of the sit-in protest first used

Where was the tactic of the sit-in-protest first used?


What kind of protest was first used in 1960 in a North Carolina?

The kind of protest that was used in 1960 in North Carolina was the civil rights.

Where was the tactic of sit-in protest first used?

on march in Selma,Alabama

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What kind of protest was first used in 1960 in a North Carolina restaurant?

the civil rights

Where was tactic of the first sit-in protest first used?

on march in Selma,Alabama

Can the word protest be used than as a verb if so how?

Yes, the word "protest" can be used as a verb. When used as a verb, it means to express strong disagreement or objection to something, often by publically demonstrating or voicing concerns. For example, one could say "The citizens protested against the government's decision."

What did Martin Luther King do to get people's attention?

he used non violence to show, that black people didnt have to be violent to white people. this tatic gave him great success

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The protest methods that William Wilberforce had were quite diverse. In most cases, he used lobbying and campaigning in his protests.

What was the affect of Gandhi's protest?

gandhi used the rule of ahisma to protest that mean he used non-violence in all of his protests