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Q: Where was yule celebrated and what happened during a yule celebration?
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How is Yule celebrated?

Yule is celebrated much the same as Christmas. Pagans celebrating Yule do not celebrate the birth of Christ.

What celebration was in Pagan when they had Christmas lighting?

Yule. We have a Yule tree or bush that was once upon a time decorated with candles.

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When is the Icelandic yule celebrated?

December 23

What is the icelandic yule holiday?

a celebration of the winter solstice. by joe E

During which events is the shortest day of the year?

The shortest day of the year is the winter solstice which occurs on December 21st. The winter solstice is when the pagan holiday Yule is celebrated. The celebration is the birth of the holly king and is celebrated in a similar fashion as Christmas.

Why do people celebrity Jesus birthday during Christmas?

The point of Christmas is to celebrate Christ since his exact birth date is unknown. It has been said December 25th was chosen to oust the Pagan celebration of Yule (Yule Tide).

What pagan festival is celebrated on the 21st of December?


When is Icelandic Yule holiday celebrated?

December 23

When is the Iceland Yule holiday celebrated?

December 23

When do pagans celebrate Yule?

Our word "Yule" comes from the Scandinavian word "Jul" which is the ancient festival associated with the winter solstice, December 21. The celebration of Christmas absorbed most of the pre-christian solstice festivals and put them into a Christian context. This happened to the Yule festival, with its traditions of a "Yule log" and so on, so that "Merry Christmas" in Swedish is "God Jul".

What best known pagan festival inspired many of today's traditional Christmas and Yuletide celebrations?

Answer: That would actually be the Pagan/Wiccan celebration of Yule... The birth of God. This is why Christians chose to celebrate the birth of their god at this time of year. Historically, Jesus was NOT born in December. However, as the world around them celebrated the birth of God during the Pagan festival of Yule, it would be easier to gain acceptance by adopting this holiday as their own. Answer: The best answer is probably none. The "pagan" influence on Christmas is overstated and often wrong. Yule is a pagan or non-Christian celebration so that part answers itself. Traditions like Christmas trees for example were not based on any pagan religion.