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Before the Jews were in the concentration camp, the Nazis built a wall around their neighborhood called a ghetto. After this, the Nazis deported Jews to the camps.

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Q: Where were Jewish refugees sent before concentration camps?
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Why were Jewish refugees treated like POW's in concentration camps?

they were treated a lot worse.

How many people were imprisoned at the Jewish concentration camps?

Their was no Jewish Concentration Camp but in total between 15-16 Million Jews were sent to Nazi Concentration Camps.

Who typically was killed in the concentration camps?


Where did the Jews live before there was concentration camps?

Before the Jewish people were sent into Concentration camps, they were sent to labor camps. After they did not want to use them in the labor camps any longer, then sent them to the Concentration Camps.

Why do Jews lie about concentration camps?

In my experience, Jewish people have never lied about concentration camps. The camps existed without any question.

Were there good concentration camps for Jewish prisoners?

No, there was no such thing as a "good" concentration camp!

What did the Jewish people live in?

before being moved to concentration camps, they would sometimes be rounded up into ghettos

When Hitler died did they stop Concentration Camps?

well yes and no.Concentration camps stopped before Hitler died, 2 prisoners escaped from Aushcwitz and told the Jewish citizens about the camps.

What area would the Jewish sleep during the Holocaust?

concentration camps or death camps

Are there still concentration camps that people are tortured in today?

There are no concentration camps today. There are still many people in the world who are suffering for various reasons, and there are many refugees in refugee camps, but there are no concentration camps.

Why did the Nazis force certain groups to wear badges with a yellow triangle like the one shown below?

to seperate jewish from non jewish prisoners in concentration camps

What were the concentration camps known for?

Concentration Camps Were Widely Known For Exterminating Jewish Kind And Prisoners of War. Used in WWII By Nazis.