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Near the rivers and the coast.

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Q: Where were many of the Arab trade routes established during the Middle Ages?
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What were the trade routes for the Persian Empire?

The Silk Road was the network of trade routes, it was formally established during the Han Dynasty of China.

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Established trade routes to Europe.

Did pigrams use trade routes to travel?

Pilgrims did not typically use established trade routes to travel. They often followed specific pilgrimage routes or paths that were significant for their religious or spiritual beliefs. These routes were separate from the commercial trade routes used for transporting goods and commodities.

How did the countries benefit from these explorations and exchanges?

Trade routes were established and relationships were formed.

Why could Muslims trade so easily?

Muslims could trade so easily because they were in the middle of all the trade routes and they were located where the trade routes intersect from their neighboring countries.

Middle Passage?

The triangular trade routeโ€™s middle legS:AfricaE: West Indies

What statement about the transatlantic trade routes is true?

The transatlantic trade routes were established during the Age of Exploration to facilitate trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. They were key in the exchange of goods, resources, and people, including the infamous transatlantic slave trade. These routes played a significant role in shaping the global economy and connecting the continents in the 15th to 19th centuries.

What impact did the commercial have on western europe during the high middle ages?

The Commercial Revolution generated a new desire for trade and new sources of wealth they started looking for new trade routes

What are all the Persian trade routes?

persian trade routes,african trade routes,ocean trade routes,mediterranean trade routes,and silk roads.

What empire established colonies alone theie trade routes in Spain Egypt Italy and Greece?


During Hatshepsut's reign in Egypt, she had reestablished?

trade routes.

Did pilgrims use trade routes to travel?

Yes, pilgrims did use trade routes to travel. Trade routes often provided established paths and infrastructure such as roads, inns, and markets that pilgrims could take advantage of during their journeys. These routes also facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural practices between different regions and peoples.