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Q: Where were many of the textile mills in the north located?
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Why did many Americans oppose abolishing slavery?

Because it benefited the North, They feared that the blacks would take their jobs, and also worried that the end of slavery would cut off the supply of southern cotton for northern textile mills.

How did the US Civil War affect the Northern and Southern economies?

The Civil War ruined the southern economy. The blockade strangled foreign trade. Sherman's March to the Sea destroyed the infrastructure of its heartland, and, by the end of the war, its currency was absolutely worthless. People burned the banknotes in their stoves and fireplaces for warmth. The industrial north churned out goods such as weapons and uniforms under government contracts, and, in some cases, expanded production to well beyond prewar levels. For the north, war was big business.It is worth noting that, even though the War ended up being a net positive for the North, many New England factory owners were opposed to the blockade initially, as it cut off the supplies of cotton the textile mills and garment factories needed to do business. In the end, many of these mills were the ones buying Southern cotton, despite the blockade.

What were the conditions of working in the Lowell Mills?

The Lowell girls endured long working hours, the volume of the factory machinery was earsplitting, the work was monotonous and required little skill, stuffy working rooms, low wages, and bad health conditions.

Why did the north want to keep slaves?

The Northern states, for the most part had outlawed slaves. Some states abolished slavery even before the US Constitution was ratified. There was a segment of people in the North that directly and indirectly benefited from the slavery in the South. Northern owned textile mills needed cheap cotton, and slaves working on Southern cotton plantations provided cheap labor and thus kept the cost of cotton lower than if free and paid farmhands worked in the cotton fields. Some Northern people, in fact many by today's standards were racists. If slavery was abolished then some former slaves might migrate to the North. Not only did racist people oppose that, but in certain labor unions they believed that any new free Black workers would drive down the pay rates of factory workers.

What mines are located in the US?

Many mines of many kinds, producing many things, are located in the USA.

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Many of the workers in textile mills were?

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What part of the US were most mills located?

Mills were mainly located in the North due to the fact that the mills needed a flowing water source to be powered. There were many streams and rivers, which could power mills, in the North. Another reason why mills were mainly in the North was because the South was all about agriculture and didn't want to waste money on mills when they could buy slaves for labor in the fields.

Who invented the textile mills What year What was the inventor's nationality?

This came straight out of my American History book. In 1789 Samuel Slater came to America from England. In Rhode Island Slater built factories that had spinning machines. Before long there were many textile mills in the North. This came off of Google. Samuel Slater was an English American.

Where did they build textile mills?

The first textile mills were built in New England. The first yarn spinning mill was in Pawtucket, Rhode Island in the late 1700's. The first true textile mill was built in Boston around 1830. Soon many other mills dotted New England. There are still a few mills operating in the original old buildings in Fall River, MA, but overall the mills are few and far between.

Why did girls work in textile mills?

Textile mills hired women because they did not have to pay them near as much as men. Children were hired because of their tiny hands that could fit into machinery to fix issues, which lead to many injuries and deaths.

Where do you use the textile mill?

it all depends on were you are and what kind of economy they may have but ase so fare as i know the usa does not use that many textile mills to make cloths

Was the north suitable for textile manufacturing?

Because there were many sources and the population at the time was much larger than that of the south. But after the civil war and the reconstruction of the south alot of the textile mills moved the the south.Trueee but it was because the great lakes. And at the time the textile mills used the water to get power. But the water goes along with the sources but still, it was The Great Lakes.

How did the cotton gin and textile mill alter the curse of relations between the notheren and southern regions of the US?

Samuel Slater brought the secret of textile mills to the north and many mills popped up in New England. Lowell, Massachusetts was the central city for textile production. Young women worked long hours in the mills. They were controlled by bells, and created a close community.Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that made it easier to clean cotton and produce it in greater quantities. Cotton became important in the textile industry and was in great demand. Growing cotton was an easy way to get rich and became important to Southern Economy.

How many children died in textile mills?

During the Industrial Revolution, it is estimated that thousands of children died while working in textile mills due to dangerous working conditions, long hours, and lack of proper care and safety measures. Many children were especially vulnerable to injuries and illness in these settings.

How do you make a mill on runescape?

There are many mills. There is one just North of Lumbridge. There is also one located in the Cooking Guild, west of Varrock. Look on the map. Mills are distinctly shown.

How did Samuel Slater and Francis Cabot Lowell change America industry?

They opened textile mills that employed many workers.