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Q: Where were the apostles chosen?
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Who chose Pope Gregory to be the leader of the Apostles?

Peter was chosen as the leader of the Church and apostles. Pope Gregory was chosen to be the pope and leader of the Church.

Who were the men chosen to teach Jesus' beliefs?

The Apostles

Who was the first pope and who chose him to be leader of the apostles Jesus' specially chosen friends who went round with him?

St. Peter was chosen as the leader of the apostles and first pope by Jesus.

What is the reference that he was one of the 12 Apostles chosen by Jesus?

St. Mark was not one of the 12 chosen by Jeasus.

What kind of rock are the twelve apostles?

The twelve apostles were chosen by Jesus to preach the Gospel. St. Paul was chosen to be the "rock" of the church. Jesus gave him the responsibility to build his church and to essentially recruit people to join.

How did Andrew differ from the other apostles?

All the apostles were special. However, St. Andrew has the distinction of being the first apostle chosen by Our Lord.

Was there apostles in the Old Testament?

No, the concept of apostles specifically refers to the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus in the New Testament.

Who was Luke in The Bible?

Luke was one of the apostles in the Bible chosen by Jesus. He used to be a Doctor.

How was Hebrew chosen as a apostle?

Hebrew was not chosen as an Apostle. Only human beings can be apostles, and since Hebrew is a language, it wasn't even considered an option.

Why is Saint Matthew considered holy?

because he is a saint and because he is one of the apostles chosen by Jesus

Was Mary of benathy one of the apostles?

No, Mary of Bethany was not one of the apostles. She was a friend and follower of Jesus, commonly associated with her sister Martha and brother Lazarus. The apostles were the twelve chosen by Jesus to be his closest disciples and to spread his teachings after his death and resurrection.

What is Apostolic?

Apostolic is the mark of the Church which indicates that the teaching authority of the Church comes directly from Jesus and his chosen Apostles because the bishops of the church are direct successors of the Apostles.